Monday, October 29, 2012

Introductions - The other techie


Hello all.

Continuing the theme of introductions, I'm the other semi-tame techie of the Crayden team. Craig has already introduced our role on the team, and be assured that there will be much geekery going on behind the scenes to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible. As well as the new website, we are hoping to have ready a new "Digital Signage" system (nicknamed project moderate sleet) to show details about shows during BedFest.

While not at Bedlam (which hasn't been very often over the last few weeks), I can be found trying to fix the TARDIS, punching holes into card with the EURC or causing problems in the FreshAir studio (it's boring when it just works). Oh, and I'm meant to be doing CompSci with Electronics as well.

Anyway, feel free to drop me an e-mail, message me on Facebook (or even pm me at ball-hayden on for extra geek points) if you have any tech problems during your preparations for BedFest and I'll do what I can to help.


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